Welcome to uvoauth’s documentation!

An oauth client for uvhttp.

class uvoauth.uvoauth.Oauth(loop, auth_url, token_url, client_id, client_secret, redirect_url=None, conn_limit=10, resolver=None, ssl=None)

Oauth client for uvhttp.


Get the URL to redirect the Spotify user to. This URL should be loaded in the user’s browser.


Get an authentication token for an identifier. Return an access token that can be used in a cookie.


Return a cached access token for an identifier if it is not expired.


Check if an identifier is already registered.

register_auth_code(identifier, code)

Register the code from the oauth callback response with a unique identifier.

request(*args, identifier=None, **kwargs)

Make a request, but add the token for the given identifier to the headers to authenticate the request. See uvhttp.http.Session. If token is none, just make a request.

set_token(identifier, token)

Set a token for an identifier.

Indices and tables